Friday, October 3, 2008

What the hell is wrong with people?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Sorry, for those with really sensitive eyes, you may want to turn away now, because there's going to be some serious VENTING going on!!!!

Okay, Lizzy was in West Liberty for most of the day and I was in charge of the office. Things went smoothly, and by the time I went home for an hour, Liz had come back. It wasn't until after I went back for another couple of hours that I got frustrated.

I was making calls to let people know about the satellite voting at Garfield School, and I got a couple Obama supporters. But most peeps weren't home, or if they were, they weren't for Obama. I know I can't get everyone to our cause, but the reasons they aren't for him hardly make any sense. There was one woman who said she wouldn't ever vote for "that man", meaning she was probably racist. I mean, come on! This is the twenty-first century! It shouldn't be about the color of a candidate's skin; it should be about his ability to do the job! Sheesh!

The last contact I had really took the cake though. She said outright after I asked if she'd consider supporting Obama that she was for McCain and Palin. I asked what her concerns were, and she replied that she didn't think Obama could do the job, and that she'd been paying attention to the news and debates and she could see that McCain and Palin are on top of the game.


I've been watching those same debates and I'm getting a different idea here. We'd get more of the same that we've been getting for the past eight years. What is she thinking?!?!?! Oh well! I'll just work hard to make sure she doesn't get her way!

Okay, rant's over. I must away! I need to pack for my trip to Iowa City for the weekend. :)

Slan go foill...

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