Saturday, February 28, 2009

A sigh of relief...

I'm breathing a sigh of relief for the first time since I've started working at TLCA. I think I'll be able to handle this job.

This week and last week, I've been getting good monitor scores. Last Wednesday, I got a 100 from J.Crew, and yesterday I got a 97.5 from internal. So I think I'm doing something right.

Yes, day shift agrees with me.

That said, I must away. Need to look at a song to sing as a solo for Relief Society tomorrow.

Slan go foill...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

New shift...

Today will be my second day on the new shift, and I'm enjoying it so far. There are times however, when I'm not sure how to react because at the times that my lunch hour and last break are, used to be when I would first come in to work, and when I would be taking my "lupper" break. I'll get used to that weirdness. For now, I'm counting my blessings that this happened.

More later on how this answer to prayer came after a trial of my faith. For now I'm off to finish getting ready for work. :)

Slan go foill...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

At last!!!! Part deux...

It's been a long time coming, but it's finally happened!

I'm going to day shift at work!

My shift will be Wednesday through Saturday 7am-5:30pm starting this next week. It means I'll have Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays off, and my evenings will be free for Institute classes and church singles activities. Yay!!!!!!!!!

The perfect shift would be Monday through Friday 7am-3:30pm, but J.Crew and TLCA need people on the weekends, and that's okay. I'll take my small victories when I can and make the best of a weird and sometimes difficult situation.

This is the answer to a lot of prayer, some by me and some by others on my behalf. Now if I can just get my quality scores up to where I want them to be, I'll be set.

Slan go foill...