Thursday, May 28, 2009

Poem out of a church magazine...

I actually found this poem in the June 2009 Ensign, and it was exactly what I needed. In fact, I'm going to Xerox it and hang it up in my cubicle at work.

Walking With Two Sisters by Larry Hiller

Faith walks before me,
Holding up her lamp
As I try not to stumble in the ink-dark hours before the dawn.
Her light illuminates
One step and then another.
Beside me, Hope, arm linked with mine, encourages and steadies.
Sometimes in the tedium,
Distracted by the pain,
My mind begins to wander, then my feet. I hesitate.
Unsure, I look to Hope.
Her hand takes mine.
The touch reminds me of another hand held out to me,
One pierced and scarred
Yet oh so tender
Lifting me and blessing me when I had fallen and despaired.
I move ahead
Buoyed up by Hope, who sees the end with perfect clarity.

Slan go foill...

Friday, May 22, 2009

What is wrong with me?!?!?!

There's got to be something wrong with me.

I just found out that a friend of mine from church got engaged last night. Yes, I'm happy for her, but it brings out the question: what is wrong with me that I can't find someone for myself? I'm loving, I'm caring. Okay, I can't really cook, but I'm working on that. But something is definitely lacking in me because I'm still, sadly, single!

Did I spend more time with my books than I did at singles activities? Am I spending more time reading than flirting? Is Ann right? Do I need to "sex" myself up, lose weight, wear more makeup, maybe wear more revealing clothes?

I suppose I have some thinking to do.

Slan go foill...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

For the first time in a very long time...going back to Pat McGuire's...

Yes, last night for the first time in MONTHS, my parents and I went to Pat McGuire's to see the Irish band Stephen's Green. My intention was to go so I could say goodbye to my friends there since I really didn't get a chance to do so when I moved to Coralville.

My parents picked me up at my apartment around 3:45 pm and we took the hour long drive to Davenport and got to Pat McGuire's around quarter to five. Mom dropped Dad and me off and then went to run an errand. She came back a little while later.

Because we hadn't been able to get a reservation, we ended up sitting at the bar for a bit. But some of the reservations were canceled, so we were able to move to our old table before the first set. First set was the usual stuff, with a new song tossed in (and I for the life of me can't remember what the name was!). They also played The Wild Colonial Boy, A Rainy Night in Soho, and Danny Boy for us.

Second set brought German Clock Winder, Charlie and the MTA, Finnegan's Wake, and The Unicorn! (among other selections!) After several months of being away, it felt so nice to be back on that stage being a Unicornette! Next month, I'd love to bring Melissa with me so we can be Unicornettes together. Then again, I'm not sure she'd be comfortable there.

I also got a once in a lifetime chance: I got to sing with the band! It wasn't until much later, during the third set, but it was so much fun. I sang "Carrick Fergus", using the Celtic Woman lyrics to Andy and Martin's accompaniment. Watch this space and Facebook for pics coming up of my performance.

I also got to see some old friends and let them know what I've been up to. Tommy, the manager of Pat McGuire's, commented that I seemed older, more seasoned. I told him that living on my own in Coralville did that to me.

We also made a tentative reservation for June 30th when the band comes back, but it will depend on my work schedule and how Mom's feeling. But hopefully, it will pan out and I'll get to see the old gang again.

Slan go foill...

Friday, May 8, 2009

April was a very hard month for me...

Yes, April was a very hard month for me, because of my work.

Because of my work, I was forced to work on Sundays for a month. It was absolutely horrible; having to break the Sabbath because of work. I felt as if my spirit was becoming sick. Even though I was able to take the Sacrament at IC 2nd Ward, and go to the Spanish language Sacrament meeting, it just wasn't the same as attending all three of my meetings and getting the fellowship and love from my ward family.

However, I did learn something. I learned to truly appreciate the Sabbath and strive to keep it holy even more. I didn't really get what it meant to me until I had to lose it for a month. That month was torture and I hope I never have to go through that again.

Slan go foill...