Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fragments by John McGlynn

John McGlynn is a singer-songwriter (I'd even put him in the category alongside Justin Hayward from the Moody Blues). His music always struck a chord within me. Here's a vid of him performing at the Boomboom Room in Dublin, Ireland.

I will admit I had a major crush on him when I was in my 20's. I still do, but it's not as major. I just love his music, and I do think he's majorly handsome for his age. *blush*

Slan go foill...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The perils of corporate America and living in a right to work state

I'm starting to see the perils of corporate America. Actually I have been for a while now. It seems that corporate America doesn't care about the working people. Case in point: I've been working for this company for a while, and I've learned that you can't afford to be sick. If you have to leave work early, even if you are sick, you get in trouble for it. *shakes head* I took another attendance point so I could rest yesterday and take care of my voice. Today, I'm going armed with cough drops and lots of fluids.

What happened to companies that actually cared about the well being of their employees? What happened to paid sick days? What's happened to those old days where you could take time off to get well? I fear those days are gone forever.

Slan go foill...