Sunday, August 1, 2010

My Nauvoo Pageant experiences part 1 :)

I finally decided to post some of my Nauvoo Pageant experiences and some of the lessons I learned.

First week was strictly rehearsals and we started at the Nauvoo Jr. High school. By Tuesday June 29th, we were at the pageant stage for the mornings and rehearsing at the jr. high school in the afternoons. On Wednesday June 30th, I learned one of my first lessons and an important truth. However, I don't recommend the methods to anyone! I twisted my ankle during rehearsal and that put a damper on things. I was supposed to dance with the guy who was playing John Taylor during the Evening Dance scene. Poor guy was wondering where I was and then when he found out, he came to the medical trailer to check on me and make sure I was okay. Sweet. :)

Yes, that accident taught me an important truth: we are all brothers and sisters and that we need to be there for each other. When it initially happened, core cast and family cast were running to make sure I was okay. Two big guys from the family cast carried me to the medical trailer, and one of them was a doctor and he looked at my foot and said it was only sprained. New Director/Former Core Cast member's bride stayed with me at the medical trailer while my foot was submerged in ice water. That experience alone made me want to scream.

From this accident, I also learned that I needed to be humble and accept help. When people came running to me, I tried to tell them that I was all right and that they didn't need to worry. And then I tried to put weight on my ankle. Okay, I wasn't fine, but I didn't want to be a burden to anyone. I had no choice but to accept their help and be grateful for it. And I was. It was nice getting to know the Director's new bride better while she made sure I kept my foot submerged.

After a day of being on the sidelines and probably having many prayers said on my behalf by family and core cast alike, I was up and about on Thursday July 1st. And I learned just how hard I could push my body. It was great.

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were pretty uneventful. We got our costumes and I tried mine on. They fit perfectly. Watch this space for some pictures of me in costume later.

More to come later on the rest of the experience and what I learned.

Slan go foill...

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