Saturday, July 5, 2008

Music rehearsal where half the cast isn't there...

Yes, I know people have conflicts, and I know my attendance rate isn't the best either (since I won't go to rehearsals on Sundays in an effort to keep the Sabbath day holy and I'm out of town on some weekends), but it's a bit frustrating when I and other people are at rehearsals and other people aren't there. Like I said, I know people have conflicts, like jobs and camps. But it was just Brooke, Savannah, Tyler, Christine, and Yours Truly. So it was hard to get through some of the musical numbers without the others there.

And afterward, we sat around and talked about how horrible middle school and high school was for us. Let's just say I had some experiences back then that were real doozies, so we won't even go there. If I knew then what I know now... well, 'nuff said.

That said, I must away to start working on my talk since I do give it next week at Sacrament meeting. I won't procrastinate to the last minute on this one, at least not too badly! That is my vow!

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