Monday, June 29, 2009

Made a change...

I made a big change in my life. And that was in the job department.

That's right, my faithful readers; I'm no longer working at Thomas L. Cardella & Associates. Because of the fact that the schedule changed too much and there was always the chance I could be forced to work Sundays again, I decided to make a change. It happened very fast; and I didn't really have a chance to say goodbye properly.

I'm now working at TMone in Iowa City. It's basically the same kind of job, only it's outbound and it's a Mon-Fri gig from 8-5. It's perfect. Right now I'm still training, but I'm doing well, being a sponge and soaking up as much information as I can. I want to be a good Inside Sales Rep, and not let my bosses down.

Slan go foill...

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