Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Two days until opening night and counting...

Last night's rehearsal went smoothly, even though Kari wasn't there (because she'd gone to a Cubs game that day) and I had slipped on the stairs during a scene change and am now sporting a bruise on my arm.

Something hilarious happened when we rehearsed the nightmare scene in Act 2. Brooke O decided to don her croupier's outfit and wear some facepaint to look like the Joker from The Dark Knight (and she's usually playing the landlady in that scene). Steve was left in stitches and I finally lost it when I heard Tyler say from the bed, "Why so serious?" It turns out that Steve's girlfriend had asked Brooke to do this and that she'd be there to see it. It was great. I even got a picture of her with all her Joker makeup on.

It's really coming together! Slan go foill...

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