It's been a while since I've blogged on here. So, there have been a lot of changes in my life.
Since August, I acquired a new roommate, finished school, found a job and moved out to Utah, leaving the new, very cool roommate behind (on good terms), and have been making friends with people in my new ward.
First of all, my roommate moved in with me in September and she was a godsend. She and I became like sisters, and she encouraged me in my academic endeavors.
I finished my bachelor's degree from Kaplan University in December. Right before Christmas, I mused on my FB that I didn't know what to do with myself. A friend of mine decided to be a smart aleck and replied: "Two words. Really good book." *lol*
Since finishing my bachelor's degree, I've been looking for work in Utah, and I was offered a position at Convergys in Taylorsville, a 'burb of Salt Lake City. As a result, I'm now in Utah.
I found a really nice place in Taylorsville. It's a one-bedroom apartment, and it's perfect for my needs. And what's better, my next door neighbor goes to the ward I'll be attending. He showed me where it is, and it's even within walking distance of the apartment complex. So on nice summer mornings, I'll be able to walk to church sometimes.
All in all, I'm settling in nicely. This is exactly what I needed. Now, if I can be sure that I won't have to work Sundays at my new job, I'll be set. *crossing fingers and toes*
Slan go foill...